Trainso Training Solutions

Trainso is a training company that focuses on job-oriented training involving the latest technology trends such as cloud and data analytics. To give real-world experience to our students, we also do software development and consulting that help corporates and individuals to deliver good training programs.

We help both students and trainers to reach their goals faster. For students, we provide live coaching, 1-1  and group mentoring sessions with experts, live project experience and internships, and even job guarantees. For trainers, we provide tools, support, training, and even course materials to conduct online training. 

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Members in Trainso Cloudericks community groups
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Verified members in our WhatsApp groups following actively
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Active contributing members (including old students) to support you always
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Zoom meetings for 24/7 community discussions and learning support
Become a job-ready cloud expert

In just 4 months with the 4MCEA program

While many industries got affected badly due to the pandemic, cloud computing is one domain that got benefited. There are a lot of new opportunities and many have already started upskilling. With the new 4-Month Cloud Expert for Azure (4MCEA) program, anyone can now become a cloud expert with job guarantees.
Trainso Training Solutions

We will train you for free & help
you get a job if you are jobless

if you don’t have a job, we will train free and help you get a job through a combination of our flagship training program 4MCEA, and our unique internship program. Your career background or even educational background does not matter. Please read more about our internship program below.
Study at Your Own Pace

Boost Your Career by Learning Skills in High Demand


If you like learning with an active community, then we have Cloudericks

Cloudericks community is a unique learning community with a unique community learning model for contributors and also has a unique ad-free community learning portal The community has more than 85,000 followers and has 300+ active contributing members.

If you want to learn with the community without spending money on a course or without any commitments, you can explore this. With 4MCEA and the internship, you also get free complementary access to the community also.


Check your understanding, pass certification exams & help others is your second chance to understand. You can check your knowledge through quizzes and watch recordings of live classes. 100% profit from is currently used to provide support to job seekers without active jobs.

Become a job-ready cloud expert

In just 4 months with the 4MCEA program

While many industries got affected badly due to the pandemic, cloud computing is one domain that got benefited. There are a lot of new opportunities and many have already started upskilling. With the new 4-Month Cloud Expert for Azure (4MCEA) program, anyone can now become a cloud expert with job guarantees.

You can also learn 100% free from our YouTube Channel

Many engineers including Heartin Kanikathottu are taking free sessions and uploading recordings to our YouTube channel to promote free education. You can learn free in your own free time without any form of commitment. Some of the tech series have also associated WhatsApp groups for group study and related discussions.

Heartin Kanikathottu

Founder's Message

Cloudericks community was started by Heartin Kanikathottu, a published author, architect, and tech evangelist. Trainso was later founded with help from his parents who are its directors now. You can listen to this audio message to learn how Cloudericks and Trainso came into existence.

After taking up the new job, Heartin has transferred the management to the community itself and is backed by Trainso Training Solutions. In the long term, assuming he gets permission from his employer, he would like to register Cloudericks as a separate non-profit entity.